Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Doctor Appointment

I really enjoyed my 30 week appointment today with the doctor. Mostly because I didn't gain any weight since last time...which is a good thing because at my last appointment I had gained 8 pounds in a month! Christmas was too good to me :)

When the nurse took me into the room she said to me, "You seem really happy. There are a lot of pregnant women who are miserable." It sounded like she had quite a few cases of them. The doctor made a similar comment about me being really happy. I am!

I actually saw a different doctor than I normally do and I liked her a bit better than my other one so I'm thinking I'm going to switch. I came with a list of questions (I had never done that before) and she answered them really well and wrote down on sticky notes things that I wanted to know.

As always, it was good to hear a nice healthy heart and hear that things are looking good.

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