Monday, September 1, 2014


Caleb is loving The Ranches Academy, a charter school in Eagle Mountain. he seems to have fun during every part of class. He tells me how he likes the computer lab, library, recess and anything else he does. The pictures above are from the first day of school. I think boys look so cute in these school uniforms.
With school we've found out more about Caleb's personality. Caleb is like Derrick and I, almost to an extreme: fear of getting into trouble (especially while in our youth). Here are a few things Caleb has told me that really show that:
  • "I wanted to get a drink at recess so I raised my hand but they never called on me." That one made me a little sad. I explained that you can get a drink without asking.
  • "Some kids got a yellow card but mine stayed green."
  • "The teacher asked us to do something and I did it but the other kids didn't."
  • Almost in tears, "The PE teacher said we had to have running shoes." I don't know exactly what happened but I think the teacher said that generally, not to Caleb specifically. Caleb thought his shoes weren't good enough.

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