Before we left for Utah, Caleb opened his gift from us. We got him a tool set. We figured he can suck on it now and play with it later. He has been loving it!
We arrived in Utah and went straight to Target to get food for Caleb. Derrick and I ran in the store while everyone else stayed in the car. When we came back Lynne was gone and they told us she had to run in to get books for Caleb. My mom and Derrick's mom both spoil and love Caleb so much!
Here we are playing games. We played A LOT of games over the break: 500, 5 Crowns, Rich Man Poor Man, Ticket to Ride (my present from Derrick), Rummikub, Quiddler and probably some more that I can't even remember. Games are the best!
Ahh, the cat. Caleb petted her so nicely. Well, nicely the first few times then he grabbed her fur and she took off running pretty quickly.
Caleb has a new favorite song! Derrick is opposed to this but I'm sorry Derrick, it's my favorite video!
This one goes out to everyone who has ever worked on a puzzle at Grandma and Pop-pop's house in Huntington Beach. We worked on a puzzle in Utah too. That made me feel right a home.
This has got to be the most exciting news. Caleb started crawling on Christmas morning! And I got it on video. So here it is, the very fist time Caleb crawled:
Scott gave Julie a scooter for Christmas. He gave it to her the night before Christmas because she was bound to walk into the garage sometime before Christmas morning. Pretty sweet!
Alright present time:
Alright present time:
Opening Caleb's first present on Christmas morning:
Skip the present, leave the ribbon.
I made sure not to leave anyone out. This video gets at least a second of everyone:
Other happenings on the trip that we didn't get pictures of:
-Derrick skied with his cousins
-I saw New Moon in the theaters
-Watched BYU vs. Oregon State bowl game at Julie's house. BYU wins!!!!!!!!!
-Christmas Eve morning we fed breakfast to a homeless shelter
-Visit to Grandma and Grandpa Isaacson's house
-Christmas Eve we read the Christmas story from the Bible and then shared our feelings and experiences about how we have felt the Savior in our lives the past year. That was probably my favorite part of the trip. The spirit was definitely present
-Lynne's side of the family came over for Christmas dinner
-I got a cold for 3 days
-Delivering gifts and food to people for Utah Food Bank
-Family pictures. These were taken out in the snow the day after Christmas. We were all pretty cold and Caleb cried a bit for the first two poses but on the third pose he was smiling and happy. After the pictures we went to Cafe Rio.
-Visited with some of Derrick's high school friends.
-Watched movies
-Last day there we had lunch at Olive Garden in downtown Salt Lake.
-How could I forget...we ATE, ATE, ATE, ATE and ATE some more! I literally ate enough calories to last me throughout all of January.
Overall it was a wonderful trip packed with things to do. Caleb did great. The night we traveled home was rough because he fell asleep in the car on the way to the airport, fell asleep again on the plane and again in the car on the way back home. Every time he had to fall back asleep he sounded so sad. It was like he was saying, "I'm supposed to be in bed asleep right now. Why am I being tortured like this?" Poor boy. He is fine now though, caught up on his sleep and crawling around our home. I hear him now waking up from his nap...time to go running and burn some calories!
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