Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Caleb has been loving preschool. When I drop him off he forgets I exist the second he gets out of the car. He has been practicing tracing shapes and this week he started working on the letter A. I wouldn't have thought to teach a 3 year old how to write letters but he is doing pretty well. I totally under estimated the ability of a 3 year old.
Last week was my turn to pick up the 4 boys. For lunch they started doing going nuts. I had to get a video. I love Brynn at the end...hitting her head:
Brynn has funny quirks. Like when she is hungry she goes to the trash to find food. It's easy to know when she needs to be fed :) The sad thing is when I'm making her breakfast and she just can't wait...she gets a little impatient. Example: Last week she saw cookies on the counter and cried out for them saying, "I cookie, cookie, cookie, me." No Brynn, breakfast first not trash, not cookies. Haha.

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