I can hardly believe it but Brynn is 6 months old now. She had her 6 month check up on Monday and she's doing great! She weights 15 lbs 15 oz and is now in the 50% for weight (compared to her other appointments where she was 75%). That baby chub is already starting to melt away.
Brynn is still in the 50% for height too. She's just an average baby girl now.
Here's Brynn's first time sitting down to eat real food. She still isn't eating the cereals very well but I try every day to feed it to her. She does like those Sweet Potato Puffs however and it is so cute because Caleb likes to put them in her mouth.
Brynn is sleeping from about 7pm to 7am these days and takes 2 or 3 naps. She likes to be held, she likes to laugh when you play peek-a-boo or tickle her and she likes hold and suck on toys. She is also starting to pay more attention to Caleb. That is one I've been waiting for. It is fun to have two kids and see the way they interact with each other.
Once when Brynn was on the floor and started fussing (because princesses can't be left on the floor for too long) Caleb said, "Poor Bwynn." That is something I say when she is tired and crying and we can't put her down for some reason, or because she has been in her car seat too long. Caleb just took it to mean it's something we say whenever she cries.
Overall, Brynn is happy. When she first wakes up she gives you the cutest smiles and I feel like her face is more angelic than ever. I just like that she has a look about her now (more than just a newborn face) and it is so perfect. I love her!